To request approval of architectural modifications you wish to make, please submit the ACC Review Form to the Architectural Control Chairperson.
1. AUTHORITY. This DESIGN STANDARDS document is promulgated pursuant to authority granted to the Architectural Control Committee (hereafter referred to as the “ACC”) of the Calvary Lake development (hereinafter referred to as the “Development”) under the Calvary Lake Declaration of Covenants, Restrictions and Easements, recorded in Deed Book 10194, pages 001 – 034, Cobb county, Georgia records, as amended (hereinafter. referred to as the “Declaration”). The requirements of these Design Standards shall be in addition to and not in lieu of the requirements and provisions of the Declaration.
2. PURPOSE. Plans must be submitted to and approved by the ACC pursuant to the Declaration and these Design Standards for the sole and exclusive purpose of assuring that all structures within the Development are in conformity and harmony of external design with existing standards of the neighborhood.
3. DEFINITIONS. The words “Structure”, “Owner” and “Lot” are used herein shall have the same meaning as such words have in the Declaration.
A. Two (2) sets of blueprints for the proposed house must be submitted for approval on each Lot.
B. Any change in the approved plans must be resubmitted for approval.
A. After approval by the ACC of the plans for any Structure and prior to the commencement of any construction or grading on the Lot for which such plans were approved, the location of such Structure shall be clearly marked on such lot. After such marking, the Owner or the Owner’s contractors shall request in writing that a representative of the ACC inspect the proposed location of the Structure. Within a reasonable time after receipt of such written request, the ACC shall: 1) inspect the proposed location of the Structure as marked on the Lot, and 2) notify the Owner in writing of its approval or disapproval of the proposed location of the structure. In any case in which the ACC shall disapprove the proposed location, or shall approve the same only as modified or upon specified conditions, such disapproval or qualified approval shall be accomplished by a statement of the grounds upon which such action is based. In any case, the ACC shall, if requested, make reasonable efforts to assist and advise the applicant in order that an acceptable location may be marked and submitted for approval. In no event shall the Owner allow any grading or cutting of trees on the Lot prior to approval of the proposed location by the ACC.
B. During the approved construction, all vehicles in any way connected with such construction shall enter the Lot or Lots under construction only by the driveway as approved in the plans and specifications by the ACC. In no event shall any driveways other than those approved by the ACC be constructed or used for temporary access to any Lot. All vehicles shall be parked at the Lot to avoid damage to trees, paving, curbs, gutters and any other improvements on the Lot.
C. All stumps and brush are to be removed from Lots prior to foundation construction. Construction debris shall be removed as often as necessary to keep the Lot and any Structure thereon attractive. Construction debris shall not be dumped in any area of the Development unless approved in writing by the ACC.
D. Lots shall be graded in such manner so as not to block any natural or manmade swales, ditches or drainage structures. Earth and hay berms shall be installed on Lots by the Owner hereof when, in the opinion of the ACC, such lot may erode due to topography. Whenever possible, Lots shall drain independently rather than to adjoining Lots. All downspouts shall be piped to the rear of the Lot or to the street.
A. Minimum House Size. No single family residential Structure shall be located on any Lot unless said Structure shall be equal to or exceed 2700 square feet of heated living area.
B. Set Backs. Building area set backs shall be within the recommended building lines indicated on the recorded subdivision plats of the Development; provided, however, that less restrictive set backs may be approved by the ACC if an exception is requested when plans are submitted to the ACC for approval. In no event shall the set backs be less than those required by the Cobb County Subdivision and Zoning Ordinance.
C. Houses on Slab. Unless otherwise approved by the ACC, all slab houses must be on a “built-up” slab with a minimum of one step, preferably two steps, up from the finished walkway to the interior finished floor elevation.
The exterior of the concrete block foundation shall be veneered with brick, stone or stucco only, depending on the exterior material of the main house.
D. Foundations. All houses must have brick, stone or stucco foundations, as applicable to the material of each individual house. All such foundation material shall be painted to match the exterior of the house.
E. Chimney Stacks. All chimney tops, whether brick, stucco, or siding chimneys must be topped with a metal shroud painted black.
F. Garages. The orientation and location of garages should be determined in relation to topography, trees and building lines in conjunction with overall house approval. All houses must be pre-wired for automatic closing devices for garage doors, and all houses shall be required to install such closing devices. The determination of such installation shall be made by the ACC. Garage doors shall be coordinated with all structures on the Lot and materials and colors for such doors shall be specified on the plans submitted to the ACC for approval.
G. Windows, Doors and Screens. Aluminum windows and doors on the front and sides of houses will not be approved. However, storm windows and doors are acceptable provided they are factory painted or anodized in a color to be approved by the ACC. At the rear of houses, aluminum sliding doors are acceptable provided they are factory painted or anodized, with the color to be approved by ACC.
H. Exterior Colors and Materials. Exterior colors and materials on all houses shall be specified in the plans submitted to the ACC for approval.
I. Roof. Roofing materials and color shall be specified in the plans submitted to the ACC for approval. No plumbing or heating vent shall penetrate roof surfaces which face any street adjacent to the residential structures.
J. Driveways. Driveways shall be constructed with natural color concrete. However, other hard surface material may be considered by the ACC if an exception is requested when plans are submitted to the ACC for approval. Existing trees, topography and landscape planning should be taken into consideration.
K. Landscaping. A written plan of landscaping must be submitted to the ACC prior to installation of any materials. This plan should include a drawing to show location, variety and size of all plant materials, as well as location and description of all “hardscape” items such as fences, walls, rocks and so forth. Landscaping shall be completed in accordance with approved plans no later than thirty (30) days after: (1) final inspection by the Cobb County building inspector, or (2) occupancy of the residential structure subsequent to the issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy, whichever is earlier.
In the case of existing homes, proposed changes and additions in landscaping must be submitted in detail as set out above. A time frame for completion shall be agreed upon between the ACC and the homeowner.
L. Pools and Spa Equipment. Plans for proposed swimming pools, hot tubs, surrounding decks, fencing and screening must be submitted for approval before any clearing, grading or construction is commenced. Above-ground pools are prohibited.
M. Antennae. No exterior television or radio antennae or satellite dish or receiver of any sort shall be placed, allowed or maintained upon any portion of a Structure or Lot without prior written approval by the ACC. No antennae shall be installed or used for purpose of transmitting electronic signals. The intent of this paragraph is to prohibit installation of the above mentioned structures.
N. Mailboxes. The size, design and material of all mailboxes must be submitted to the ACC for approval.
O. Basketball Backboards. Basketball backboards are acceptable subject to ACC approval of the location and colors of both sides of said backboard and post.
P. Prefabricated Structures. Prefabricated or factory built structures shall not be permitted within the Development, and such manufactured units shall not be employed as elements in the construction of residential structures affixed to real property within the Development except by express written consent of the ACC.
Q. Signs. (1) All signs are subject to the requirements of the Declaration. (2) The number of temporary signs (i.e., garage, lawn sales, etc.) must be kept to a minimum and may be put up no sooner than 24 hours in advance of a sale. Signs must be removed promptly after a sale has ended. No sign may be placed on the common property or the entrance areas to the Development.
R. Docks. Any Owner of a Lot which abuts the lake in the Development may construct a private dock on such Owner’s Lot, provided that (i) the design and. material of the dock shall be submitted to the ACC for approval, (ii) no dock shall be larger than eight (8) feet by twelve (12) feet, (iii) the location of the dock shall be subject to approval by the ACC, and (iv) the docks shall be subject to the maintenance requirements of the Declaration.
7. SCREENING GUIDELINES. Appendix “A”, Screening Guidelines, is attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference.
8. MODIFICATIONS. These Design Standards and the Screening Guidelines attached hereto are subject to additions and modifications by the ACC from time to time, and such additions and modifications shall be binding upon each Owner and Lot.
Screening may be used within the Development to attract or divert attention to or from particular views, or (in limited applications) to define private spaces.
A. OBJECTS TO BE SCREENED. Screening may be used in connection with the following:
(1) exterior, ground-level machinery, such as air conditioning and heating equipment;
(2) outside storage and service areas for equipment and supplies; and
(3) refuse containers and related storage areas.
B. METHODS OF SCREENING. Subject to the approval of the ACC, the following methods of screening may be used.
(1) Earth Banks and Berms - Banks and berms shall:
(a) have a maximum slope of 2:1 and
(b) be covered with an acceptable grass
(2) Planting Screens and Hedges. Specie and layout design to be approved by ACC.
(3) Walls. Screening walls shall complement the design, texture and color of all structures on the same Lot;
(4) Fences. Fences are generally discouraged and in some cases may be prohibited. All such fences must be submitted to and approved by the ACC prior to construction.
(a) Privacy fences will only be considered for approval where the need for privacy is absolutely necessary, and any privacy fence so approved shall not exceed 4 feet above grade in height without a special variance approved by the ACC, and any variance so approved may not exceed 6 feet above grade in height.
(b) Privacy fences may not enclose the entire rear area of a Lot.
(c) Privacy fences may be used at the sides of a residents only with a hedge and only for short distances to screen a view of the neighbors patio, deck or pool.
(d) Privacy fences shall decrease in height and increase in transparency with increasing distance from a structure so as not to obstruct views.
(e) All fences shall include planting as an integral component.
(f) All fences shall be constructed and located so as not to attract attention as distinct architectural elements.
(g) In no event shall any fence on a Lot abutting the lake in the Development be located any closer than fifty (50) feet from the edge of the lake.
(h) The approval of any fence to be located on any Lot shall in no way be construed to impose any liability whatsoever on the ACC, and the Owner of any such Lot shall be fully and solely responsible for the construction of the fence and any damage thereto caused by faulty construction, flooding or other Acts of God.